
Mart, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

It's Time For Faster Releases

According to the article published on 2017.09 by Mark Reinhold, the chief architect of the Java Platform Group; Java will have feature releases every six months rather than the present multiyear cycles. Here is the keynotes:  Java will have feature releases every six months rather than the present multiyear cycles. Af ter Java 9 , a strict, time-based model will be followed with a new feature release every six months, update releases every quarter, and a long-term support release every three years. Feature releases can contain any type of feature, including not just new and improved APIs but also language and JVM features. New features will be merged only when they’re nearly finished, so that the release currently in development is feature-complete at all times. Feature releases will ship in March and September of each year, starting in March of 2018 . Update releases will be strict...

Java 9 New Features

Java SE 9 was released in September 2017 with a rich feature set.  The full list of new features in JDK 9 can be found here: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9/ In this tutorial, we will look at some of these new features and examine some of them. 1. Modular System – Jigsaw Project The Java platform is modularized into numerous modules in Java 9.  Developers can now create custom runtimes consisitng of the only modules needed by the target application. We already examine the outlines of Jigsaw project in the following article: https://www.javalopment.com/2018/03/project-jigsaw.html    2. JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme Java version-string is a string format that contains information about the Java version. Prior to Jdk 9, it was hard to identify version information from JDK version-string. With JEP 223, version-string was rearranged with a more systematic naming scheme. Java version-string consists of major, minor, security and patch version nu...

Project Jigsaw

Jigsaw is the name of the project to build a Java Platform Module System (JPMS) into the Java 9 platform. http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/ Modularizing the Java SE platform has been challenging to implement, and the effort has taken many years. JSR 277: Java Module System was originally proposed in 2005 for Java 7. This JSR was later superseded by JSR 376: Java Platform Module System and targeted for Java 8. The Java SE platform is modularized in Java 9, but only after Java 9 was delayed until September 2017. The Java platform is modularized into numerous modules in Java 9. The number of modules will clearly change with the new features added to the platform. Developers can now create custom runtimes consisitng of the only modules needed by the target application. For example, if the application is cli-based, then the runtime might not include the GUI modules and this will considerably reduce the size of runtime. 1. C ompetitors   JBoss Modules...