It's Time For Faster Releases

According to the article published on 2017.09 by Mark Reinhold, the chief architect of the Java Platform Group; Java will have feature releases every six months rather than the present multiyear cycles.
Here is the keynotes: 
  • Java will have feature releases every six months rather than the present multiyear cycles.
  • After Java 9, a strict, time-based model will be followed with
    • a new feature release every six months,
    • update releases every quarter,
    • and a long-term support release every three years.
  • Feature releases can contain any type of feature, including not just new and improved APIs but also language and JVM features. New features will be merged only when they’re nearly finished, so that the release currently in development is feature-complete at all times. Feature releases will ship in March and September of each year, starting in March of 2018.
  • Update releases will be strictly limited to fixes of security issues, regressions, and bugs in newer features. Each feature release will receive two updates before the next feature release. Update releases will ship quarterly in January, April, July, and October, as they do today.
  • Every three years, starting in September of 2018, the feature release will be a long-term support(LTS) release. Updates for these releases will be available for at least three years and quite possibly longer, depending upon your vendor.
  • Enterprises that prefer stability, so that they can run multiple large applications on a single shared Java release, can instead use the current long-term support release. They can plan ahead to migrate from one long-term support release to the next, like clockwork, every three years.
The full article can be read:





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