RPC or REST; Which one is best suited for your Web API ?
When we design an api for our software components, then a couple of confusing terms are just at the front of us.
Let's first cope with the conceptual confusion about the terms in this question.
Is the context of the term RPC used is of the distributed communication protocol or about the api design ?
This is the key question that i think, makes the confusion about the term.
Okay, now we have a general idea about the RPC protocol, then what is RPC-style ?
Let's firstly inspect the REST side.
However it has some drawbacks;
REST has come to play with using HTTP as a communication protocol which is the standardized application-layer protocol for webservers and nominally JSON or less of XML as the messaging template.
To be continued..
Let's first cope with the conceptual confusion about the terms in this question.
What is an API ?
API is the acronym for the Application Programming Interface.- It is a group of methods
- that is exported by a provider software components/modules
- and is supplied to its consumer software components/modules
- and the messages(XML, JSON, etc.) of these method calls are transported accross the client and server sides.
In the context of web, an API is refered as a group of methods that is- the web protocol HTTP is used for the communication
- by transferring the messages,
- generally of the form; XML or JSON format.
- it is communicating via a service provider
- with dependency to a contract defined by the API
- over some communication protocols such as HTTP
- and exchanging the messages in a structured formats such as XML, JSON etc.
RPC or RPC style ?
The big confusion is about the term RPC.Is the context of the term RPC used is of the distributed communication protocol or about the api design ?
This is the key question that i think, makes the confusion about the term.
RPC Protocol
- RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call.
- Simply meaning that, making a call in your local host and having that call execute a service/procedure on a remote host.
- Implementation over seperate interface definition using messaging protocols such as SOAP, thrift etc.
- With that kind of RPC implementation, client and server can communicate over an agreed messaging protocol such as SOAP
- even if they are different technology stack such as one is Java and other is .net.
- A more technology-dependent implementation of RPC is Java RMI.
- It is a tighter coupled implementation in which both client and server sides must be implemented with Java.
- XML-RPC and SOAP-RPC, in which messages are serialized/deserialized as using XML, nominally make requests using HTTP POST.
- Other implementations can use of different networking protocols such as TCP
Okay, now we have a general idea about the RPC protocol, then what is RPC-style ?
Let's firstly inspect the REST side.
Why is the REST architecture style needed ?
RPC is a remote procedure call technique that can run over any communication protocol. However, any of the rpc-based distributed communication techniques like CORBA, DCOM, RMI have some drawbacks in communication since of the concerns;- lack of standardized messaging template (mostly a binary messaging protocol is used)
- lack of standardized application layer protocol
- tightly coupling between client and server
- difficulty for designing in case of client and server sides are of different programming models.
And here comes; the Simple Object Access Protocol, SOAP
In that part of the game, SOAP has come to play, as a successor of XML-RPC, with using a standardized XML-based messaging template driven by Microsoft with the benefits:- standardized XML-based messaging template
- communcation-protocol agnostic, mostly HTTP; but HTTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP or JMS can be used.
- implementable easily by any programming languages
However it has some drawbacks;
- requires overmuch bandwith since of its generality and XML markups
- altough its name begins with SIMPLE, in reality it's a bit complicated.
REST has come to play with using HTTP as a communication protocol which is the standardized application-layer protocol for webservers and nominally JSON or less of XML as the messaging template.
- REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
- RESTful means; an architecture that satisfies the constraints of REST architecture style.
- HTTP is the de facto communication protocol when working REST since;
- the key idea on REST is manipulating resources identified by URIs with CRUD operations
- that semantically projects to standard HTTP verbs; GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
- and that makes us name it simply; CRUD over HTTP.
- It is a way of calling a remote execution as in RPC
- It uses nominally HTTP(altough it does not define a communication protocol); while RPC is protocol-agnostic
- The procedures that REST will execute are certain which are CRUD operations that semantically span HTTP verbs.
Then here comes a brain burner;
If REST is of CRUD based architecture design, then how can it fit for domain driven design concept ?To be continued..
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